We finally finished the family room! Yay! No more plywood floors! So exciting. I still LOVE our fireplace that Kevin had fixed for my birthday last year. This is my favorite room in the house now.
Cleaning up some files on my computer, I started looking at all the pictures we have taken of Natalie. There are at least 1000. She is only 8 months old, and yet, she looks so different! I really can't believe the difference. Crazy what 8 months will do. Anyway, here is a pic of Nat when she was brand new, and a pic of her from the other day.
This will be the 3rd year that I have made the goal of reading 50 books in one year. I refuse to cheat and say that "Green Eggs and Ham" counts. 50 novels, Fiction, non-fiction, biography, whatever, but real books. In 2008 I made it to 30. Last year, 2009, I only made it to 22. So wish me luck on this 4th day of January 2010. I am one down, 49 to go!
I can't believe the year has gone by so quickly! Seems like only yesterday Natalie was born and the weather was warm. Now it is 12 degrees outside and the new year is here. We had a lovely Christmas with all of our family. Kevin cooked a fantastic meal for 16 and we drank a lot of champagne. (Mine with chambord if you please)
Took a million pictures and started a scrapbook for the one and only Natalie Jean. So far I have put in about 5 hours and I am up to her 8th day of life. It's gonna be a long haul : )
Hope your 2010 is pleasant and you accomplish many things.